Truepenny Projects
Can I testify?
March 19th, 2021 - May 31st, 2021
(Online gallery via Truepennyprojects.com)
The SecretariES
The underground collaborative, wi
June, 2016
Character Patty Johnson narrates her time spent as a secretary at Cooney
Lumber Mill in Big Bone Oregon. At first all is well, but Patty Johnson isn’t stupid!
She begins to notice the odd customs of her fellow secretaries and their cult like
obsession for office manager Susan Curtis, who is only the most beautiful and
powerful Secretary in the world!
Written by:
The Five Lesbian Brothers
Cari Dulan, Kristin Johnson, Amanda Eaton, Madeleine Wakley, and Amy Hansmann
Design and Production Team:
Director: Tessara Morgan
Stage Manager: Tessara Morgan
Light Designer: Colin Gawronski and Tessara Morgan
Set Designer: Luke Farley
Sound Designer: Tessara Morgan
Marketing: Luke Farley and Tessara Morgan
Photos are stills taken from video by Nathan Danzer