Truepenny Projects
Can I testify?
March 19th, 2021 - May 31st, 2021
(Online gallery via Truepennyprojects.com)
July, 2022
Mercury Theatre, Baltimore
Tina the squid is miserable in her life as a sea creature who is forced to wear a human suit by her neurotic husband, Tim. After revealing her squiddy self to BFF Teensy, the two hatch a plot to get Tina the heck outta Squidsbury.
Written by Chad Short
Dorian Elie, J Purnell Hargrove, Bobby Henneberg, Shana Herndon, Maria Ortiz-Marquez, O'Malley Steuerman, and Caitlin Weaver
David Brasington, Isaiah Harvey, and Jess Rassp
Design and Production Team:
Director: Tessara Morgan
Stage Manager: Jordan Cahoon
Costume Designer: Amelia Karolcik
Light Designer: Eric Nightengale
Set Designer: Luke Farley
Sound Design: Tessara Morgan & Chad Short
Props Master: Tessara Morgan
Puppet Designers/Builders: David Brasington & Tessara Morgan
Puppet Design Consultants: Jess Rassp & Jeff Miller
Fight Choreography: Gerrad Taylor
Intimacy Consultant: Bahar Baharloo
Photo credit: Dave Iden